I have said before that I feel that my rollers have a sculptural quality, although they are only tools for printing, and it is the image that is the actual artwork. However I sometimes question whether the print or the roller is the more interesting. In order to fully appreciate the rollers as sculptures I […]

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Jachelt is an old Scottish word meaning buffeted, blown about or over by the wind. These are all mono prints of trees that have grown in the direction of the wind. The brief was ‘movement’ and I liked the idea of trying to show movement using something so solid and still as a tree. As […]

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It is 20 years since my mother died. Despite this, she retains the ability to make me smile and cry in equal measure.When she died in 2000, it fell to me as her only daughter, to sort through her possessions. Back then, my Father was too paralysed with grief to help. Even years later, he […]

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When my dad died at the age of 85, it fell to me to sort out his possessions. There were the household bits; toaster, crockery and so on. Some more precious items, like his watch and St Christopher. But then there were those items which were like an actual personification of the man, immediately evoking […]

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Drawing has never really been my thing, but I felt my printmaking was suffering due to my lack of drawing skill. So I have been studying drawing at Leith School of Art. They helped me find my own style. Here are some of my favourites.

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